Noaptea albă a voluntariatului

Joi 5 Decembrie începând cu ora 19.00 vă invitam la ”Noaptea albă a voluntariatului” în Casa de Cultură a Studenților din Craiova . ANDCTR în colaborare cu  Primăria Municipiului Craiova te așteaptă la un eveniment cu, și despre voluntari. Vino

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ANDCTR are placerea de a va anunta lansarea manualului pentru profesionistii care lucreaza cu adulti fara competente digitale. Il puteti descarca gratuit aici in limba engleza sau pe website in romana, italiana, spaniola, portugheza. Tot acolo gasiti si platforma

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MEDLIT#45+ PROJECT press release nr.2

MedLit#45+ is a Strategic Partnership project in the field of Adult Education funded with the support of the programme Erasmus+. The project aim is to improve the digital skills of users over 45 in order to increase their competitiveness within

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Our pilot testing of the platform dedicated to the development of digital skills to low qualified unemployed persons with the age above 45 years has started in the beginning of February. The first group of 13 persons started in Ghigera

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Our pilot testing of the MedLit#45+ plarform started with the first group of 13 determing persons to make a change in their life. So far we had group meetings and individual study. Stay tune for more updates.

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MedLit#45+ is a strategic partnership project in the field of adult education that is funded with the support of the Erasmus+ of the European Union, aiming to promote the skills development, employability and inclusion in the labour market of low-skilled

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MEDLIT#45+Project (Find out what’s been happening recently)

MEDLIT#45+ PROJECT Find out what’s been happening recently   In recent months, the project has produced decisive progress for the achievement of its objectives. The MedLit partnership were received (24-27 October 2018) in the facilities of the VET School of

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Blood Donation Event 07.12.2018 (Red Bracelet Club 2)

We are waiting for you to offer a chance to live! We often choose the best for us and our family! But how much time do we spend thinking to those around us? Right now your actions can save a

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Open mind, open heart, open Europe -Article- (Youth Exchange)

During the 10th until 17th of November 2018 in Rajcza  (a small town in the south of Poland)  took place the international Youth Exchange within Erasmus+  “Open mind, open heart, open Europe” hosted by the Polish organization “We add wings”.

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