S.M.I.L.E. Project (Support Mobility through International Learning Experience)

AIM: to offer volunteers the opportunity of developing employability competences and enhance their social proactive involvement in the frame of ecology.



– To encourage the reflection and debate regarding eco-responsibility and healthy life style

– To contribute to the awareness regarding the natural resource conscious and to adopt responsible practices towards natural resources

– To explore in one hand the connections between the mother cultures and on the other hand the themes of “nature preservation” &”healthy lifestyle”

– The development of basic transversal competences useful for fastening the transition process from NEET category to a more active life




The weekly agenda for the EVS motilities consist mainly from Working Packages (PL), that represent activities with experiential character:

  • (PL1) Development of public campaigns of ecological and healthy lifestyle education, with children from club and school, in each month of the stage public events will be created (“Live library”, “non-formal lab of eco-solutions and alternatives for a healthy lifestyle”, “Civic and good neighbourhood acts Olympics”, “street-forest delivery”, ”open café” and debates “Karl Popper” /”Parliament”, street animation”, flash-mobs” etc; outdoor and sport activities; intercultural picnic with “trash-hunt” and green space revitalization activities; online & off-line fundraising etc
  • (PL2) SMILE Club: development of ecological and healthy lifestyle education activities, with an accent on the inclusion dimension:

* Accompanying activities in Romanescu Parc and recognition of flora/fauna; outdoor dynamic solutions adapted for disabilities (scouts)

* Outdoor & indoor sport activities with children from Handball Club

* “bingo-quiz” sessions with eco topics and experiential actions for volunteering etc

* Eco-creative workshops (trash-art, creative recycling, SMILE-walls, SMILE Human Magazine)

  • (PL3) Promotional activities for E+ opportunities (focus in youth exchanges & EVS);through interactive workshops promoting the vacancies, intercultural evenings, making & disseminating online of video materials/testimonials etc; street caravan E+, flash-mob , etc.



